Tasty Temptations

Cooking has always been the one thing where, when I am doing it, nothing else in the world seems to matter. I can cook for minutes or I can cook for hours, but no matter how long I can cook for, I always find myself feeling more like 'me' when I am done. Plus there is no better excuse to drink by yourself than while you are cooking a great meal (All those drunken chefs out there can thank Julia for making this acceptable).

Me and a few of my friends have decided to create a place to share our love of cooking....check us out here.

Can't find something?


Friday, March 14, 2008

You guys all suck...

I can't believe only 3 people have voted on my blog poll. 3 people in like 7 hours! I KNOW more people have read my blog since 8am than 3 people. Geesh, what kind of readers do I have? THE KIND WHO LURK IN THE DARK CORNERS OF CYBERSPACE READING MY INSPIRING MEMORABLE NOTEWORTHY WORDS, THAT'S THE KIND! GEESH!

And you all obviously don't know me well enough, I can't believe all 3 of you who HAVE voted think I called the guy. Really, are you sure about that? I am kind of a chicken shit when it comes to this whole dating thing. I mean it's been like a zillion years since I've actually been on a date, why would you think that all the sudden I would throw caution to the wind and call some strange guy I barely know. What is wrong with you guys? You obviously have way more confidence in my dating skills than I do. That's not to say that I did or didn't call him...I'm not revealing that information quite yet.


Anonymous said...

I don't know why are looking for comments when you should be...




Anonymous said...

I voted that you did just in case you hadn't and maybe it would give you the umph to do it. So why are you reading this....


I MEAN NOW!!!!!!

Unless of course you already did. In which case you should be writing a blog instead of reading this. So start writing MISSY!!!!!!

Jen said...

Umm ok so you haven't posted to TELL US if you have called him so I don't think WE are the SUCKY ONES here!


So did you?


misguidedmommy said...

you proved me wrong, i voted you didn't