So a while back I was talking to Shannon ( and she said something along the lines of: when her jeans are too tight, she sprays them with water to loosen them up on all the right places. Ok, I totally forgot about this idea until yesterday when I went to put on a pair of jeans that 2 days ago I tried to wear and then immediately took off because they were WAY too tight. So I remembered this yesterday morning and there I am standing in my under ware, spraying my jeans. Well, apparently I sprayed them TOO much (or I lost like 20 pounds in 2 days and I seriously doubt that is what really happened) because I spent the better part of yesterday pulling up my pants and making sure everyone i work with doesn't see what kind of under ware I wear.
Tasty Temptations
Me and a few of my friends have decided to create a place to share our love of cooking....check us out here.
Can't find something?
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Why I think I have a dwarf stalker...
I drove my car to work this morning, wearing the same shoes and I am pretty sure measuring the same height as I did when I left work today, and no-one else drove my car during the day, but somehow when I got in my car this afternoon to leave work, I felt like someone had rearranged all of my mirrors and moved my seat up about 5 inches...I could barely get my knees behind the wheel...WTF? Am I completely going mad or do I have a dwarf stalker that broke into my car and rearranged my seat? (I'm not sure I want to answer to be either of those).
Posted by
8:35 PM
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Top 10 things my Mr. Right will have to put up with...
10) The fact that instead of walking the 2 feet across my kitchen to throw away a paper towel, I will drop it on whatever counter I am closest to. I clean up my random pieces of trash probably once a day.
9) Some weekends I truly enjoy waking up, walking my dog, eating breakfast and then sleeping until about 5PM.
8) I don't really ever put my laundry away. By the time I put my laundry away, it is time to do laundry again.
7) My kitchen counters are normally clean enough to eat off of, however my kitchen floors probably have a small community of fuzzballs living in each corner.
6) I only sporadically water my house plants. This is probably the reason I can keep orchids alive, however other house plants are consistently on the verge of death.
5) I LOATHE doing dishes. I would hire a maid primarily for the purpose of doing dishes if I had the money.
4) I eat dinner anywhere between 8 and 10 pm most nights. Sometimes it consists of cereal, somethings it is extravegant's purely random what you're going to get.
3) I like to start projects and then walk away from them for days, or weeks, or months...
2) I hit the snooze button more times than I will actually admit to anyone, but needless to say I am always in a rush in the morning even though my alarm goes off hours before I have to be at work. I have tried everything, even putting my alarm in the other room...I actually got up, hit the snooze and laid back down.
1) I talk to myself. When I still lived with my parents I would be up late studying for exams and my mom would walk by my room and think I was on the phone with friends...nope just having conversations with myself.
Posted by
11:48 PM
My dog is so cute...
See that tub in the back...yup, my parents have a "pool" for her because she loves swimming so much. I took her camping this weekend and between playing stick for like 10 hours straight and eating mosquito's for me, she would go for little swims in the lake and just paddle around, get out, paddle around, get out, paddle around...ok you get the point.
Posted by
11:39 PM
Lessons learned from my dog...
My alternative title to this blog was "Why I think my dog is cooler than I" but I decided to look at it positively and not that my dog is cooler than I (although I am pretty sure that she is)...
1) Always pretend like you are cooler than everyone else, even if you don't believe that you are. It's all how you present yourself to others. I little growl goes a long way.
2) Say hi to everyone, you never know when you will meet your next best friend, your next great lover or just someone to wrestle with for the day.
3) Play hard!
4) Sleep harder!
And most importantly...
5) Always chase after the cute boys at the dog park, you have nothing to loose.
I have yet to master many of these lessons but I am slowly but surely breaking out of my shell and trying them all out (for those of you who don't know me, I am a Cancer and feel very much at home in the comfortable shell of my every day existence...I thrive on the exciting but I approach it slowly and with caution).
Posted by
11:29 PM
Some protests aren't necessary.
So apparently I am being silently boycotted by some of my loyal blog readers because I don't write often enough. Fair enough but give me a break, I have been working 12 hour days and then I was out of town for 4 days. But I promise I will write more often (or seriously try to) guys are lucky I don't really have a life...If I had a life I would never write...or maybe on the contrary I would have more to write about so I would write more often...
Posted by
11:26 PM
Sunday, May 20, 2007
How do you sensor what you say?
What makes people sensor what they say to other people? On that note, what makes people think it is ok to say politically incorrect things to "almost" complete strangers?
I walk my dog at the park near my house. Because I always walk around the same time of day, I tend to run into the same group of people. Most of these people I know nothing more about them than their dog's name(s). Even though I see these people day in and day out for the better part of 2 years, I do not know anything about them. On that note, while I am not registered to vote, I definitely classify myself as a liberal democrat. Although my political beliefs and feelings about certain people in certain important positions who got this country into a war that is headed down the road of another politically controversial and senseless war that lasted for years upon years, I don't go spouting my political or social beliefs to strangers. In fact I rarely talk politics or make social commentaries unless you know me very well.
This leads me to Sat. morning. I was out walking my dog and ran into this older guy that I "know" (as in I know his name and his dog's name, and I know that he is ok with me having my dog off the lease) (and he is really old, like probably in his 70's). He's nice enough and in general he is very nice guy to talk to while you are wandering around the park. Saturday morning we were standing there talking and an African American guy goes jogging by us. Mind you he jogged by us and jogged up a hill that I can barely drag myself up at a turtle pace, let alone JOG up. The older guy I was chatting with responds with the following..."That reminds me of a joke (at this point in time I have no idea what reminded him of the 'joke' he is about to tell)...Why doesn't Mexico ever have track & field athletes in the Olympics?" Seriously, did he just say that? Since I can barely understand why he would tell this 'joke' to someone he barely knows, I utter "ummm, no, don't know". He responds "Because any of the Mexicans that can run or jump have already left the country." Ok, for a racist joke it is kind of funny but regardless, it is a racist joke. What makes a person think it is ok to go around saying things like this to people they barely know.
Now mind you I am not the kind of person that thinks that we can create a world where racism doesn't exist. I am a realist and realize that there are people that will always believe that they are better than someone else, purely based on the color of their skin. I also realize that make racial stereotypes have a lot of factual origin. But I also believe that anyone with the least bit of social or political sense knows that even if they hold those beliefs, they censor their own thoughts until they know how and if a person they barely know will react to a 'joke' like that.
Posted by
9:47 PM
Redneck Twilight Zone
Ok, so I get by Shannon's comments I obviously am not blogging nearly enough. Sorry about that, I barely had time to breath this week, let alone write blogs.
But after an extreme shopping day with my mom (I can't even admit to myself how much I spent on new clothes) and a weekend full of rest, I feel I have to share this moment with you guys.
It's about 9:15pm and I ran to Scolari's to pick up some dog food for my poor dog who has been stuck inside all day alone. I get in line behind the following three people: Miss White Trash Punk Chick, Mr. Cowboy wearing wranglers and a vest and Mr. Weirdo who looks like he should be living with his parents. This is what they are purchasing: Hickory Smoked Spam and the $0.99 can of chili that is so big it could probably feed a small county. While the checker is ringing them up, they start talking about him (the checker) and him getting jumped on the street (he had stitches above one eye). Mr. Cowboy with the vest says "well that's when you turn around and hit them with a 2 by 4..." and the checker says "Yeah, but I was walking down the street so I didn't really have a 2 by 4 with me..." Then the checker says "you know this tastes much better with the original flavor (holding up the can of Spam)". Mr. Cowboy responds "I don't know, I like that flavor..." Seriously, do people really eat Spam? Seriously?
I guess I shouldn't make too much fun of them, the checker scanned 1 of the 4 cans of dog food I had and said "Looks like 1 can to me...that will be $1.06."
Posted by
9:36 PM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
You might drink too much coffee if...
In the morning when you drive up to your favorite coffee shop, walk inside to order and they already have your drink (yes, I always order the same thing) waiting for you and rung up....
...I think I drink too much coffee if the people working there can have my drink made and waiting for me just by seeing my car drive in the parking lot.
Posted by
10:21 AM
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
I now have a classic dumbass moment of my own...
I was alone in my office today (ok, not totally alone but the only one in charge of the stuff I am in charge of). I was hurriedly running around backwards in high heels trying to answer phones, issue reports (that sounds so official) and pack up some stuff to send somewhere (is that general enough?)... Here I go...
I go to grab the tape gun off of the top of a desk to tape the box shut and, as I simultaneously grab the handle to the tape gun, I head quickly in the opposite direction back toward the box I am packing up...only the tape (heavy duty packing tape) is stuck to the desk and because I grabbed on tight and headed in the opposite direction quickly my balance got COMPLETELY thrown off and I proceeded to snap my entire body back towards the desk and then fall on my ass. I fell on my ass in the front office of my work, with a tape gun in my hand. It was awesome. The best part is that, like I said, I was alone so no-one saw me do it...unlike the time I slipped down a flight of stairs in one of the buildings at UNR...
Posted by
9:16 PM
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Writing gives my mind a break.
I've always enjoying writing. I honestly have no idea how good of a writer I am. I feel like most of the time my writing is full of non-sensible run-on sentences but I enjoy doing it. It gives me an outlet for my random thoughts. I write for myself because when I put something in writing I feel like it gives my mind a break. It lets me store my thoughts in a place I know I can always come back to if I need to, but it also lets me release ideas and feelings that I'm not sure I want to express to other or ideas that I just don't want to store in my head anymore. I write for my sanity and the more I do it, the more I feel like I need to do it.
I've never been a very open person about my feelings. To anyone. I share very little with other people about what happens to me, or how I feel. I have no idea why I am like this and I am sure that it has caused stress in many of my relationships. When I write I feel like I can say anything. It's an ironic freedom I feel. I know people are going to read it, I know people are going to listen to and judge my feelings and my rantings. Yet I have no hesitation.
On occasion, I sit down at my computer and I start writing. I have no idea where my mind will take me. Sometime I start with a thought and I end up probing some memory or idea stored deep inside. I start writing about things I never even thought of before I started writing.
Sometimes I write about things that happen to me, sometimes I write what I am feeling, sometimes I just feel like sharing random facts. And sometimes my writings piss people off, or hurt their feelings. I don't quite know how to handle dealing with hurting people with what I say. Just as I have no idea how to handle dealing with the fact that my writing may help someone, or bring a smile to someones face. How do professional writers deal with all the pressure that originates from just writing there thoughts down on a piece of paper? And trust me, I am well aware that most of my writing is completely irrelevant to anybody but me, but like I said...I write for myself.
Posted by
10:16 PM
Ending Relationships. Ending Friendships.
Disclaimer: Now let me make it clear to any of my friends reading this, I have no intention of 'breaking up' with any of you. This is just a random thought that I felt the need to share with the world.
I'm at a weird place with one of my friends now. Because of this, I have spent the last 48 hours pretty consistently thinking about friends and relationships (instead of the normal gibberish that fills my head which pretty much consists of alternating thoughts of sex, food, work, and day dreams of places I can't travel to).
I am wondering, does having sex with someone make the difference in being able to end a relationship, to walk away when you decide that the pros out weight the cons? Why is it socially acceptable to end a romantic relationship but when it comes to ending friendships, why is looked upon as giving up or being a horrible person? People end romantic relationships everyday because of incompatibilities between one partner and the other; they end relationships with people whom they share houses with, they share finances with, they share kids with. Yet ending a friendship, with a person whom you generally share none of those things with, is nowhere near as acceptable as ending a marriage.
Like I said, just a random thought.
Posted by
8:37 PM
Monday, May 7, 2007
Attack of the killer squirrels...
I am trying to plan a trip to Southern California later in the summer and it reminded me of a story.
I was a senior in high school and I was driving to San Diego to visit my grandparents. I had picked up lunch earlier that day because I planned on stopping somewhere and having a picnic lunch. I decided to stop at Mono Lake park. I grabbed my lunch, a blanket and a book. I headed for the grassy park area. I laid down the blanket and set my lunch down. Before I even sat down I noticed the squirrels all over the park had started heading my direction. I sat down and pulled out my sandwich. The squirrels were getting closer. I opened my sandwich. By this time there were probably about 15 squirrels all around the edge of my blanket. I tried shooing them away. I think that just spread the scent of my sandwich because, before I knew what was happening, almost the entire edge of my blanket was lined with squirrels. They wouldn't come on the blanket, they just sat right on the edge. I had no idea what to do but I started freaking out, picturing my dead body covered in squirrels with pieces of the sandwich thrown about. There were so many of them! I finally decided the only way out was to try throwing my sandwich away from my blanket and then running for the car... I proceeded to throw bits and pieces of crust in all directions to try and lure the squirrels away. No luck, the squirrels held their posts. I finally decided to try throwing the entire sandwich away from me...the squirrels ran after it. I grabbed the blanket, the book and I ran.
Do you think the squirrels there are used to being feed?
Posted by
9:39 PM
Sunday, May 6, 2007
I miss my friend.
A year ago a friend of mine moved away to be with her fiance while he went to school. First of all, I can't believe it has been a year already but secondly, I miss her. She was a great friend to just hang out with, to have a great conversation with or to go out with. In fact, she has really been the only friend of mine that has enjoyed just going out to a bar to have fun. To dance and drink and talk and giggle and people watch with. We have always been very much on the same page when we go out, of course it's fun to look at guys and flirt with them, but we are really out just have fun.
She was in town this weekend and we went out dancing and drinking and giggling and people watching. I realized how much I miss this part of our friendship. Of course it is great that she moved to a town where I now really enjoy visiting, it gives me another excuse to travel somewhere, but there was always something about our nights out that is just fun. The dancing at the front of the stage, singing along with the cover band, until our feet hurt so much we end up walking to our car barefoot and then end up eating Denny's at 4 am kind of fun.
Just a little sappy I miss my friend moment brought to you Ginger's "That kind of girl..." blog.
Posted by
2:55 PM
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
I hope I'm never this kind of girl...
Because I have spent like 99.999999% of my life single, I have to admit that I feel like I value my friendships more than many of my girlfriends do. Instead of having someone to come home to and tell my worries to, my exciting news to, my daily office drama to, I come home to my sink full of dirty dishes and 4 nights a week, my dog. While my dog lets me have control over the t.v., she never really provides the feedback I sometimes want. Because of that, my friends have always filled that position. They have been the ones I call (or email or IM) with exciting news or sad news or drama. When I Friday night rolls around, I go to call my friends. When, really whenever I feel like talking or gossiping I turn to my friends. Whenever I feel like not being alone, even it just means getting frozen yogurt or watching t.v., I turn to my friends.
Over time, I've learned that many of my girlfriends (not all, but 2 imparticular) value their relationships with their bf's/fiance's/husband's more than their friendships with their girlfriends; friends are more an accessory relationship that they wear only on the right occasion, under the right circumstances. Friends are not a staple item in their wardrobe of relationships. While I can't completely understand, and I will fully admit that there is probably some jealously involved, I have to admit that I hope I never become one of those people that would wear my friends like a funky bracelet or a cool, but completely uncomfortable, pair of shoes. I never want to be one of those people that just because they have found 'the one' they decide that their friendships are just for special occasions.
One of the things I have always found so interesting about the mentality of these type of people is that, when all of the sudden that funky bracelet is all the rage (i.e. they breakup with 'the one' and realize they have pretty much shut you out of their lives) they are the ones that get pissed off that you have a life, and frankly a life that doesn't involve them anymore. A few years back, when I was still in college, spring break was a time to look forward to. A time to get away from it all, relax, sit back and have fun. As I said, I have been single for like 99.99999% of my life but one of my girlfriends has almost always had a bf. For many, many years it was the same guy. Frankly, the guy was, as I describe him to people besides my friend, " a fucking abusive slime ball who couldn't man up and get on with his life". Did I just say that? It's true. He was a verbally abusive, former drug addict, alcoholic who worked a minimum wage job because he was a slacker who stole shit and then sold it on eBay. Needless to say I was ecstatic the day they finally broke up. Unfortunately for me, it happened to be a few weeks from spring break. A few weeks from a spring break that had already made plans for because my friend couldn't bare leaving her bf to go on a trip with her friend. So I made plans alone. However, when they broke up, she started making plans for spring break, for trips for us to go on and people for us to go visit. She never once stopped to ask me if I already had plans. She had just assumed that because, all of the sudden, because she was single, I was at her beckon call to do whatever she wanted to do for vacation. When I stopped her mid-sentence to tell her I already had plans for most of the break, but could meet her at a mutual friends house in Sac for a few days, she went silent. What else was I supposed to say? Was I supposed to change my plans around to suit her needs? Was I a horrible friend for saying "Actually, I already have plans but let's work with what I already have planned so we can hang out for a few days"? While she would always just deny being mad at my over this event, I always secretly wonder how pissed she was. By the way she acted I always suspected that saying I already had plans for spring break was tantamount to saying I had killed her cat, burned her house down and slept with her heart's desire. I never understood the anger she showed me that day. Was I really a horrible friend who wasn't standing by her friend who had just broken up with her bf? Or was it that she was pissed because I wasn't going to play her little relationship games with her, that I wasn't going to say how high when she told me to jump? How high should you jump to keep a friend, or a lover for that matter, happy? When should you say 'I'm not jumping anymore'?
Posted by
10:19 PM
This is what just happened to me.
So I am not what you would call a good neighbor. I have lived in my condo for almost 2 years and I don't know the name of any of my immediate neighbors. I know the names of 1 couple who live on the other side of the building from me. Most of my neighbors seem nice enough, I smile and say hi but that is about it. In the condo across the "hall" (the upstairs outdoor balcony) from me is a girl probably about the same age as me. She seems nice enough, has an annoying little dog that tried to eat my dog alive even though it is half the size of my dog and a cat who always says hi to me when i walk by. She is a little chubby but pulls it off because she is a funky kind of chick you would find hanging out in a tattoo shop. Her hair is black but she always has little strands of it in funky colors like blue and red and green and orange. Recently there has been a person staying at her house. I have to admit I have no idea if she is still there (I think I remember seeing her car yesterday but I could be wrong). I have no idea if this person is a friend, a lover (my last guess) or a roommate. Up until this evening I have only seen this mystery person from far away but she seemed like a tall, skinny dark haired women who was dressing like she was a 40 year old trying to act like she was 20.
This evening I am walking up from my parking space and head towards my stairs. I see the mystery guest heading up the stairs right in front of me. Since I pretty much follow her up the stairs when she turns to open her door I smile politely and say Hi. I continue to walk to my door and open it at the same time she is opening my neighbors door. Apparently my neighbors cat (I wish I knew her name because I am getting sick of typing 'my neighbor') flew out of her condo and into mine. I didn't even notice it and I was about to walk into my condo and I hear a distinctly man's voice say "that wasn't your cat right?". I completely expect to turn around and see a man standing at the door of my neighbor's condo with the mystery guest. I turn around and only see the mystery guest.
"Excuse me?" Is all i can mutter because I am in complete shock about what I just discovered but I pass it off as I didn't hear her (him?).
"I think the cat just ran in your don't have a cat do you?" This time in a less distinctly manly voice, almost as if she (he?) was trying to disguise the fact that she (he?) just turned herself in.
"Ahhh, no. Hold on, let me get the cat." I go into my condo and get the cat who did, somehow fly by me into my condo.
"Here you go." I handed her (him?) the cat. At this time I get a better look at her (his?) face and yup, it was definitely a guy.
I scurry into my apartment, holding in my laughter. Now that may sound mean but trust me, I am not the kind of person to judge a person on how they decide to dress or act. I was just in complete and utter shock because I couldn't believe what I just discovered. It's always entertaining to me when you discover something like that about a person you barely know. It's a just a quick reminder that life is never what you expect it to be and that sometimes things and people aren't who you think they are. Goes back to the age old saying "Don't judge a book by it's cover."
Posted by
7:10 PM
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
My evening...
This is how my evening went...
6:30 pm
I'm driving home from work feeling like I got off early when really I got off at 6:30. It's sad that I think that is getting off early. Because I feel like I got off early, my alter-ego "Chef Ginger" decided to show her head.
I go to the grocery store and buy $50.00 worth of groceries even though I have a full fridge at home. I went there because I needed the following items: cream cheese and cherries (for cheesecake because I mentioned it to Shannon earlier and now I've been thinking about it all day), chicken and tomato sauce for chicken parmigiana. I also leave with 2 bottles of this fizzy apple wine that Shannon introduced me to and a whole crapload of other things I don't need.
I go home and do my dishes because I had a sink full of dishes from last nights disaster of a soup cooking event. I can't start cooking with a sink full of dishes. My long lost friend from Seattle calls and we start gossiping. Since I am doing something un-fun (dishes) and something fun (talking to my girlfriend) I decide to pour myself a glass of wine.
I make chicken parmigiana. While it's in the oven, I decide I should just cook my spaghetti squash now because the last time I bought one, I can't believe I am admitting this, it sat on top of my fridge for 4 months until I finally threw it out. It takes so long to cook so I figured if I cook it now, I can have it for dinner tomorrow night. I now have chicken and a squash in the oven, and another full glass of wine in my hand.
The chicken comes out of the oven. Meanwhile I am still on the phone with my girlfriend. I stand over my sink eating my dinner, talking on the phone and drinking another glass of wine.
The squash comes out. By now I've gotten off of the phone and decide that I still want cheesecake so I start making it.
Friend calls back, we talk for a little while longer. I finish off the bottle.
The cheesecake finally goes in the oven. I have no idea what took me a half hour to blend some cream cheese, sugar and eggs together. Maybe because i had to open the second bottle of wine.
I check the cheesecake because now all I can think about is cheesecake.
See 9:35 entry. Except this time I now have another glass of wine.
See 9:35 entry.
See 9:35 entry.
The cheesecake finally comes out of the oven. Except now i have to wait for it cool.
Oh yeah, I love cheesecake. MMMMMMMM.
Ok, maybe just one more small piece...
Damn it it, I now have an ENTIRE kitchen full of dirty dishes. Fuck me! I am drunk, full and can't go to bed with this many dishes in my kitchen (yes, they would be there until Sat. if i don't do them now). If I hadn't been drunk maybe i would have done the dishes while the cheesecake was in the oven, instead I sat around watching t.v.
Now I am drunk and full and I have a clean kitchen.
Totals for the evening
3- number of dishes cooked (remember I am single and live alone)
1.5 - bottles of wine drank by yours truely
15 - number of burns on my fingers, arms and (explain this one) stomach
Posted by
11:18 PM
Random Facts of the Day...
Just a few random facts to increase your random knowledge today...
A microwaved baseball will fly further than a frozen baseball.
An ostrich's eye is larger than it's brain.
Every second, collectively, Americans eat 100 pounds of chocolate.
Stay tuned for more random facts of knowledge.
Posted by
7:50 PM