I recently wrote this post about the dog park guy. I finally jumped off the cliff. After running into him evening after evening, after having hour-long conversation after hour-long conversation at the park, on Friday night I finally asked him if he wanted to catch a movie on Saturday night. Now I realize I may have committed a mortal sin by asking him to a movie, because apparently a movie is not the #1 choice for a first date but (a) he doesn't drink coffee, so a coffee date wouldn't work (b) he doesn't drink alcohol so going for a beer wouldn't sound too appealing to him and (c) I know that I really should have asked him a month ago when it was warm enough to say 'hey, I am going to take Sierra (my dog) to the lake this weekend, have any interest in joining me? However there is now snow in the mountains so...so I asked him to catch a movie because I, obviously, am not creative enough to come up with some other uber creative first date experience (I have been hanging out with Shannon all day and have officially stolen her word for use on my blog because she has been using it ALL DAY).
Anywho, back to the story...
After a brief hesitation (that had me completely freaked out all night long even though it maybe lasted 2 seconds and seemed like more of a 'having to get over the shock of me asking him to a movie' than a 'what the hell do I say because I really don't want to go out with this girl' kind of hesitation) he said yes. I gave him my number and told him to give me a call the next day.
Saturday morning rolls around. I get up and go to my monthly massage (yes, I get a massage once a month, especially now that I have convinced my grandma that she likes them too and she now offers to pay for them as long as I grace her with my presence for a lunch date afterwards, she's finally learned she just has to bribe me to get me to spend time with her....I sound like a horrible grand-daughter, but I am a busy woman after all). When I get done with my massage I have a message waiting for me...
I could easily stop the story here and keep you all wondering what the message says (and split up this story into multiple blogs, thus getting credit with my avid readers for writing more than twice a week), but I continue...
Here is the message, word for word (I had to listen to it like 10 times to get this right, but this is only the beginning of my confusion so I wanted to share it with you...
"Ginger...Dog Park Guy here. It's about 10 to 12 on Saturday...I forgot that us brothers are going to Street Vibrations tonight, it's the last night so...so we will have to do this another time, but I do want to go to the movies some...one of these days so ah, I will ah, see ya out walking and we'll talk then. Buh bye."
Now a few details, he did actually mean his gang of bothers (his actual relatives, not his bro's) so he wasn't ditching me for his friends, just his brothers. I had also made a comment the night before about how I hated Street Vibrations. I am not into motorcycles at all and truthfully, the gangs of bikers that take over the streets of Reno every September piss me off and only aggravates my minor case of road rage.
So, I don't really know what to think about that. I didn't call him back (which may have been another mortal dating sin) but he didn't actually say give me a call and he didn't leave me a number to call him back at (I had it via my cell phone caller ID, but the night before I had only given him my number, not visa versa). I am starting to realize how bad I am at this whole trying to pick up a guy for anything other than just sex thing but that's a whole 'nother jar of pickles that were are going to leave closed for now.
I spent the rest of the day obsessing about this, and having Shannon obsess about it even more than me.
Then this morning rolls around. For those of you who don't know my schedule, on the days that I have my dog (I have joint custody with my parents) I walk her in the mornings (rain or shine, blizzard or heat wave, I am out there). Most nights I also walk my dog. I only run into Dog Park Guy at night. At this point I had decided I would just going to go with the flow, see how things went the next time I ran into him at the park (I generally see him Sunday nights), and go from there. I was finishing up my walk and I ran into his mom.
As a side note he is currently living with his mom, but not in the "creepy sci-fi addict living in his mom's basement way". More in the "he had a lot of personal shit to work through and moving back in with his mom for a while was what he needed to help him get out of the shitty situation he was in" way. I have also been through ever rationale in my head for why I like a guy who is living with his mother and I realize I completely shouldn't be attracted to a guy who lives with him mom, but I am completely infatuated. I also realize that I may have made more out of the situation than is possibly there and that I have rationalized liking a guy who lives with him mom because I am desperate and there are no other potential men in my life at the moment. I also fully admit that I may have gone completely crazy and you are stuck reading my delusional rantings. Sucks for you if that is the case.
I digress...
I ran into his mom and another lady walking their dogs. I joined them for the rest of the walk and near the end, the other lady made a comment about how it must have put a damper on Street Vibrations because of the weather we were having (rainy, cold and overcast instead of the normal 70's and sunny September weather we have). I mean what else do you talk about with almost complete strangers except the weather? All of the sudden, his mom says "So I heard Dog Park Guy passed on the movies with you to go to Street Vibrations last night."
What? Huh? Ummm? WHAT? What was I supposed to say to that? So I respond with a response that will hopefully defer the spotlight I feel is shining on my at this moment "Oh, ah, yeah...So how was it, did they have fun?"
"No, not really. You know they all go (referring to him and his brothers) every year but I guess this year there weren't that many people there and they didn't have much stuff to buy." To which the other lady says "Sounds like he should have gone to the movies with you instead."
At this point, I am completely confused. We finish the walk and go our separate ways. Would he have told his mom about the movies if he didn't seriously plan on going, and did he really just forget that he had other plans? Or did he get caught calling me saying he couldn't go, and had to explain himself (or something like that)?
So I jumped...but i don't think I've landed yet.
Tasty Temptations
Cooking has always been the one thing where, when I am doing it, nothing else in the world seems to matter. I can cook for minutes or I can cook for hours, but no matter how long I can cook for, I always find myself feeling more like 'me' when I am done. Plus there is no better excuse to drink by yourself than while you are cooking a great meal (All those drunken chefs out there can thank Julia for making this acceptable).
Me and a few of my friends have decided to create a place to share our love of cooking....check us out here.
Me and a few of my friends have decided to create a place to share our love of cooking....check us out here.
Can't find something?
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I Jumped...and I'm even more confused than before.
Posted by
4:37 PM
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uggggggggg hurry up and walk your damn dog tonight already
i'm UBER excited
Good for you! Don't over think it. I'm sure you two will hang out soon. He mentioned the movie to his mom so obviously he felt bad about having other plans with his brothers. VERY UBER Interesting! (sorry just had to do that!) Good Luck!
Kudos! On making the first move!
Ok, so Yay Yay SUPER YAY that you finally asked him out!! Ok, so it kinda sucks that he doesn't drink coffee or beer (W!T!F!?) so those two dates are out so I suppose you were pretty much just left with dinner or movies... Anyhow- that is besides the point. His mom confirmed his story on two counts: A.) That he went to Street Vibrations and B.) that this is an annual thing he does with his brothers. Therefore he really couldn't have ditched THEM for YOU because, you know, guys tend to stick to that whole "Bros before Hoes" thing unless SEX is very clearly imminent. Which I do not think it would be for a first date. So, he had to cancel on you. It wasn't that he didn't want to go out with you- he just couldn't ditch his brothers.
Now that we have that figured out, I think you should call him now that you have his phone number. Sure he didn't actually give it to you directly, but he we fully aware that you would have his number upon him calling you because EVERYONE has caller ID. EVERYONE. Duh. So, call him... and ask him if he wants to go grab a pizza (and a movie? maybe?)... that way you can talk and stuff which seems to be what you two are good at. But it sounds like he was kind-of nervous when he left that message, so you should call him.
If he blows you off again, then leave it at that. The ball will be completely in his court. But it sounds like he may be a bit of a shy-guy, so make another move and then see what happens! : )
That is MY two cents.
hey asshole write something
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