Earlier tonight, as I sat down on the couch to watch the season premiere of Grey's Anatomy, I pulled my feet up on the couch with me. "Hmmm" I thought to myself. "What's that on my foot?" Oh yeah, something hard and pointy to play with. I sat there, watching Grey's Anatomy through a few commercial breaks, twirling the strange little white thing that I had found stuck to my foot, poking my fingertips with this thing that I obviously picked up off of my living room floor. That is until I realized what I had been twirling around and playing for probably the first half of the show....want to know what it was?
Come on, take a guess!
Have you guessed yet?
It was an escapee clipped toenail....yup, I clipped my toenails the other night and apparently I had an escapee that found it's way into the furry depths of my carpet. And which I promptly picked up on my foot and proceeded to play with.
Can't really decide if it's really as gross as it probably should be.
Tasty Temptations
Me and a few of my friends have decided to create a place to share our love of cooking....check us out here.
Can't find something?
Thursday, September 27, 2007
You never know what you are going to find.
Posted by
9:48 PM
Have you ever?
Have you ever found yourself walking down a grocery isle talking to yourself, when someone walks around the corner and catches you doing it?
I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned this little fact about myself but I talk to myself a lot. I will sit at home by myself and just starting talking about random shit. I normally justify it because my dog is hanging around and it's totally cool to be caught talking to your pet, right? But it's completely not cool to be caught talking to yourself when you are walking through the isles of your local grocery store...especially when the person that rounds the corner and catches you doing it is a pretty good looking guy that if, I hadn't been caught up in talking to myself, I might have tried to flash a smile at.
Did I mention that I went to the grocery...that my sole purpose of going to the grocery store tonight...was to purchase an item that I wanted, that once I stood in front of at the grocery store, I realized I had a completely full container of it at home. I am totally losing my mind. I wish I had a better excuse for why I was losing my mind, like say I had been up drinking and partying it up all week, but no, it is because, I have already worked almost 48 hours...that means that after working an 8 hour day tomorrow, I will have worked 16 hours of overtime. Did I mention that I am salaried, which means I don't get paid for those 16 hours of overtime. Did I also mention that I was so busy at work today, that I didn't eat lunch until 6 pm today. Instead the lunch I bought just sat on my desk all day because I was so busy I didn't think about putting it in the fridge...which means when 6pm rolled around and I had a moment to breath, I bite into my sandwich and realized how disgustingly soggy and warm it was...I ate half of it anyways, I hadn't eaten in 8 hours after all!
So that was my day...how was yours?
Posted by
9:33 PM
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I Jumped...and I'm even more confused than before.
I recently wrote this post about the dog park guy. I finally jumped off the cliff. After running into him evening after evening, after having hour-long conversation after hour-long conversation at the park, on Friday night I finally asked him if he wanted to catch a movie on Saturday night. Now I realize I may have committed a mortal sin by asking him to a movie, because apparently a movie is not the #1 choice for a first date but (a) he doesn't drink coffee, so a coffee date wouldn't work (b) he doesn't drink alcohol so going for a beer wouldn't sound too appealing to him and (c) I know that I really should have asked him a month ago when it was warm enough to say 'hey, I am going to take Sierra (my dog) to the lake this weekend, have any interest in joining me? However there is now snow in the mountains so...so I asked him to catch a movie because I, obviously, am not creative enough to come up with some other uber creative first date experience (I have been hanging out with Shannon all day and have officially stolen her word for use on my blog because she has been using it ALL DAY).
Anywho, back to the story...
After a brief hesitation (that had me completely freaked out all night long even though it maybe lasted 2 seconds and seemed like more of a 'having to get over the shock of me asking him to a movie' than a 'what the hell do I say because I really don't want to go out with this girl' kind of hesitation) he said yes. I gave him my number and told him to give me a call the next day.
Saturday morning rolls around. I get up and go to my monthly massage (yes, I get a massage once a month, especially now that I have convinced my grandma that she likes them too and she now offers to pay for them as long as I grace her with my presence for a lunch date afterwards, she's finally learned she just has to bribe me to get me to spend time with her....I sound like a horrible grand-daughter, but I am a busy woman after all). When I get done with my massage I have a message waiting for me...
I could easily stop the story here and keep you all wondering what the message says (and split up this story into multiple blogs, thus getting credit with my avid readers for writing more than twice a week), but I continue...
Here is the message, word for word (I had to listen to it like 10 times to get this right, but this is only the beginning of my confusion so I wanted to share it with you...
"Ginger...Dog Park Guy here. It's about 10 to 12 on Saturday...I forgot that us brothers are going to Street Vibrations tonight, it's the last night so...so we will have to do this another time, but I do want to go to the movies some...one of these days so ah, I will ah, see ya out walking and we'll talk then. Buh bye."
Now a few details, he did actually mean his gang of bothers (his actual relatives, not his bro's) so he wasn't ditching me for his friends, just his brothers. I had also made a comment the night before about how I hated Street Vibrations. I am not into motorcycles at all and truthfully, the gangs of bikers that take over the streets of Reno every September piss me off and only aggravates my minor case of road rage.
So, I don't really know what to think about that. I didn't call him back (which may have been another mortal dating sin) but he didn't actually say give me a call and he didn't leave me a number to call him back at (I had it via my cell phone caller ID, but the night before I had only given him my number, not visa versa). I am starting to realize how bad I am at this whole trying to pick up a guy for anything other than just sex thing but that's a whole 'nother jar of pickles that were are going to leave closed for now.
I spent the rest of the day obsessing about this, and having Shannon obsess about it even more than me.
Then this morning rolls around. For those of you who don't know my schedule, on the days that I have my dog (I have joint custody with my parents) I walk her in the mornings (rain or shine, blizzard or heat wave, I am out there). Most nights I also walk my dog. I only run into Dog Park Guy at night. At this point I had decided I would just going to go with the flow, see how things went the next time I ran into him at the park (I generally see him Sunday nights), and go from there. I was finishing up my walk and I ran into his mom.
As a side note he is currently living with his mom, but not in the "creepy sci-fi addict living in his mom's basement way". More in the "he had a lot of personal shit to work through and moving back in with his mom for a while was what he needed to help him get out of the shitty situation he was in" way. I have also been through ever rationale in my head for why I like a guy who is living with his mother and I realize I completely shouldn't be attracted to a guy who lives with him mom, but I am completely infatuated. I also realize that I may have made more out of the situation than is possibly there and that I have rationalized liking a guy who lives with him mom because I am desperate and there are no other potential men in my life at the moment. I also fully admit that I may have gone completely crazy and you are stuck reading my delusional rantings. Sucks for you if that is the case.
I digress...
I ran into his mom and another lady walking their dogs. I joined them for the rest of the walk and near the end, the other lady made a comment about how it must have put a damper on Street Vibrations because of the weather we were having (rainy, cold and overcast instead of the normal 70's and sunny September weather we have). I mean what else do you talk about with almost complete strangers except the weather? All of the sudden, his mom says "So I heard Dog Park Guy passed on the movies with you to go to Street Vibrations last night."
What? Huh? Ummm? WHAT? What was I supposed to say to that? So I respond with a response that will hopefully defer the spotlight I feel is shining on my at this moment "Oh, ah, yeah...So how was it, did they have fun?"
"No, not really. You know they all go (referring to him and his brothers) every year but I guess this year there weren't that many people there and they didn't have much stuff to buy." To which the other lady says "Sounds like he should have gone to the movies with you instead."
At this point, I am completely confused. We finish the walk and go our separate ways. Would he have told his mom about the movies if he didn't seriously plan on going, and did he really just forget that he had other plans? Or did he get caught calling me saying he couldn't go, and had to explain himself (or something like that)?
So I jumped...but i don't think I've landed yet.
Posted by
4:37 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I have been a bonafide coffee addict since, oh, 7th grade. Yeah, I know...I started early. Ironically, it's my mom's fault because when she would drive me to school (when I missed the bus) we would stop at the local coffee shop because every woman in my family is, as well, a bonafide coffee addict. You ask why that is ironic. Because, even though I am 25, my mom gives me a hard time when I need my daily cup of coffee (ok, really my daily vanilla latte).
Now, there are 2 issues with me being a coffee addict. I am not a normal coffee addict, I am a foo-foo coffee addict. Which means I am rarely satisfied by a cup of brew from my coffee maker at home. Which means I spend way too much money on way too much caffeine at my local coffee shop. Which means my wallet is shelling out around $4.00 a day for the aforementioned latte. The other problem is that it is starting to make me sick. It started about 3 weeks ago. All the sudden, one day, I finished my daily latte and about an hour later, I had the worse acid reflux I have ever had. I originally thought it might be a fluke but nope, it happened every day after that. Guess my body was telling me, "no more coffee! I can't handle it anymore!"
So carefully, for the past week, I have been attempting to wean myself off of coffee. I have been drinking chai, I have been drinking very small amounts of coffee, I have been drinking black tea, I have been drinking green tea...did I mention, with the exception of chai, I don't particularly like tea?
So for the past week, I have been in a coffee-less (well almost coffee-less) partial delirium and have been working at about half speed. Not good for work! Good thing my boss is on vacation! But on the otherhand, my stomach is feeling fabulous (I might have even lost a little weight) and my wallet is gaining a few $$$.
Posted by
10:21 PM
CCC's (aka Crazy Cell Companies)
This weekend I drove to Elko (from Sparks) for work. For those of you unfamiliar with the area, imagine driving 300 miles with nothing but a bunch of sagebrush, a few muddy puddles and lots and lots of empty space to stare at for 4 1/4 hours. Oh yeah, the occasional cow or car as well. And McDonald's, apparently every small, hick-ass town in Nevada has to have a McDonald's.
I am one of those people that has 2 cell phones (that was a smooth change of subject huh?). I have my personal cell phone and my work cell phone. They are through different providers, but apparently both providers suck (or have some really bored little people working in those cell phone towers sending out crazy little messages to people's cell phones). The following things happened to one, or both of my cell phones during my drive through Boredom (aka central Nevada).
- One of my phones would randomly switch to reading the correct time to being 2 hours ahead. It would switch back and forth for no apparent reason.
- I could overhear random conversations while I was on the phone....
- ...that is when my phones would work.
- And last but my favorite....Randomly, the following message appeared on one of my cell phones "Say yes or no". When I opened the phone, it disappeared...after that I couldn't seem to get the George Straight song out of my head.
What? I know you are either confused because you were expecting some UFO story (I was driving through the Nevada desert, come on! But alas, you are out of luck) or you are probably asking yourself, "what the hell is Ginger talking about? Did she have a point?" And to that I say, Nope...not a single one, I just had nothing better to talk about so you just got to experience one of Ginger's Random Ramblings.
Posted by
10:09 PM
I know, I know...
That I haven't posted in like a week. Sorry about that, I haven't much felt like writing, too much work, not enough sleep, and my attempt to wean myself off of my daily latte has left me in a mild state of unproductive delirium and apparently my brain hasn't been able to function the boring happenings of my daily life. How's that for an excuse for not blogging?
Posted by
10:06 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Something wrong with this situation?
Is it wrong that I just watched The Biggest Loser while eating half a chocolate bar and a few cookies?
Probably huh...
But the chocolate bar and cookies were really good.
Posted by
10:01 PM
Cereal and Bugs
If you know anything about me you know that I love random facts. I love senseless trivia that I can throw into conversations for no particular reason, except to try and show how smart I am.
A few years ago (not sure exactly when, although I am sure Shannon can tell you to the date, minute and second when I ruined her life), I spouted off some comment about how "you know, the FDA allows a certain percentage of bug parts into cereal...right?" Honestly, sometimes when I spout off these random facts of knowledge, I have no real scientific basis for my trivia. It is simply a factoid I heard on a Discovery Channel show, or read in some news article (I used to work in a science library and would read science mags ALL the time). I never remember the details...however people rarely ever challenge me on them and so life goes on, with me looking a little smarter (or more like a smart ass, some might say...I don't necessarily agree with them) and nobody questioning me.
This was one of those situations. I remember hearing somewhere that the FDA allows a certain percentage of bug parts in cereal (or all grain products for that matter) but really had no numbers or references to back up my factoid. I didn't think twice about it, after all I knew it and I still eat cereal. Shannon on the other hand had a major issue with this factoid. To the point that I caused her to give up an entire food category because of my random factoid....opps, my bad! She reminds me of it all the time and I still can't help but laugh...sorry Shannon!
And just for your information...according to the FDA website "For instance, the permissible level of certain insect fragments in 50 grams, or about two cups, of flour is 75 parts. (This is the uppermost level at which fragments pose no health hazard in the product.)" Sorry, I couldn't find a specific level for ready-to-eat cereal.
While researching this I found our similar facts to other food articles...but I wouldn't want to ruin those for anyone so I will keep that info to myself (for the time being, I would watch out though, it might slip out in conversation). On the other hand if you are like me, slightly disturbed but still interested in what our government let's us eat, you can check out the whole list of DAL's (defect action levels) for pretty much every food on your grocery shelves here.
Somehow, none of this bothers me...however that weird eggyish smell on dishes totally icks me out!
Posted by
3:50 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
My Senior Year in High School.
So I totally ripped this off of Scott's blog but I thought it was a fun set of questions, and I can't think of anything better to share with you today...so this is what you get:
1. Who was your best friend? Shannon
2.What sports did you play? Ummm, senior year nothing...I worked. I think I was still kickboxing outside of school at that time.
3. What kind of car did you drive? A beat up red Izuzu truck...it was my sisters, now my dad drives it.
4. It’s Friday night, where were you? With friends, partying or just hanging out at some one's house...or a football game if there was one going on.
5. Were you a party animal? Not really, made my fair share of appearances but I preferred hanging with a few close friends.
6. Were you considered a flirt? No, but an alarming number of girls admitted after the fact they thought I was a bitch...screw them, I was just shy.
7. Were you in band, orchestra, or chorus? Ahh, yeah NO. The last instrument I played was the flute in elementary school.
8. Were you a nerd? Sure didn't think so, but I know I wasn't one of the cool kids either, somewhere in the middle.
9. Did you get suspended/expelled? Not senior year, I got suspended once freshman year for calling one of my teachers a slimeball asshole. For the record, he totally was and later quit because a student accused him of sexual harassment. My parents were proud of me at the time.
10. Can you sing the fight song? I could then...not now, but I still have that silly yellow card with the fight song on it though.
11. Who was your favorite teacher? Ummmm, I barely remember most of my teachers. Mrs. Lindsay probably. Or Mrs. Greenhall.
12.What was your school’s full name? Galena High School
13. School mascot? Grizzly Bear, black and 'gold' (or really yellow because there were too cheap to buy gold things, so everything was yellow)
14. Did you go to prom? Almost not, but I did. Shannon was my date.
15. If you could go back and do it over, would you? Yeah, I would ditch school way more often and get in more trouble...and kiss more boys.
16. What do you remember most about graduation? The fireworks and being freaked out that I would trip down the stairs. Also making out with with my fuck buddy before he was my fuck buddy on the 'safe and sober' boat ride after graduation.
17. Where were you on senior skip day? Ummm, I honestly have no idea. Wait, I think at Pyramid Lake with a bunch of people.
18. Did you have a job your senior year? Yes, for a heating and air conditioning company.
19. Where did you go most often for lunch? At the Raley's shopping center...mostly Micky D's, sometimes Raley's or Port of Subs and once in a while at home.
20. Have you gained weight since then? Uhhhh, yeah, I think so...
21. What did you do after graduation? They had a 'safe and sober' boat ride that I totally wasn't going to go on because I thought it was lame...until the last minute when I realized almost all my other friends were going...so I ended up going and having a blast, that is until I got home at 6 am and went to go to sleep in my bed and found out I had no where to sleep because my relatives had taken all the beds...I grabbed a sleeping bag and a lawn chair and went in the back yard to sleep. No-one knew I was even home until about 10 when I woke up and went inside and they were all eating breakfast.
22. When did you graduate? June 2000 (maybe June 7, 2000...it was a Wed. wasn't it?)
23. Who was your Senior prom date? Shannon...not in THAT way, get your minds out of the gutter. And didn't I already cover this.
24. Are you going to your 10 year reunion? Probably, it should be interesting...and for the record, I CANNOT believe that my 10 year HS reunion is in less than 3 years. Fuck time went by fast.
25. Who was your home room teacher? Ahh, yeah, we didn't have home rooms.
Posted by
4:11 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
On the edge of a cliff...
I have something to come clean about. I had set a goal for myself that I have failed on. I said that the next time I ran into Dog Park Guy that I would ask him out.
I have run into him. Many times. And not just ran into him, but stood there in the park having 45 minute long conversations with him. Many times. We had those conversations that could have easily turned into marathon, all night long conversations with no point, direction or purpose except seeing who could talk the longest without falling asleep. The kind of conversations that come so easily you don't even realize it has been 45 minutes....or 4 hours. We have shared silly stories about our lives, our families and our jobs. We have talked about politics, religion, and of course, baseball. We have talked about past relationships, what we want in the future and, well, of course, our dogs. They are the type of conversations you build a relationship on. Over time, the conversations have gotten more and more intimate...or personal I should say. Over time the details have gone from our weekend plans to random discussions about politics and relationships; over time the foundation of trust and a friendship has been built.
I always forget, until I have one of those conversations, how much meaning and feeling a good conversation with the right person can hold. I am always amazed that just sharing words with someone, words strung together into meaningful phrases can take on so much power and leave you feeling refreshed, excited, happy.
They are the type of conversations that verge on the edge of something more. Of a future. But the future that they verge on the edge of has never become clear to me. It's that fact that leaves me walking home by myself, wondering what the future holds. There is never what I would consider flirting, but there's always the mention of something more...of 'seeing you tomorrow.' But there has never been anything more, except these great conversations.
Last night I was eating dinner with a friend and she asked me if I had seen the Dog Park Guy. I said I had and she, being the brave and confidant person she is, gave me a hard time about not asking him out and when I started to blabber off excuses about why I hadn't ask him out, she responded with "But then why hasn't he asked you out?" And ta-da, my whole problem! Now I am completely aware of the fact that I could have easily put more meaning behind these conversions than really exists, but I really, deep down in my heart, don't think I've misjudged this one. Leaving me to wonder why he hasn't taken any action. Is it possible he has this same internal conflict going on and it is just a matter of time until one of finally gives in and takes the risk, leading to happily ever after...or is there a reason he hasn't suggested we catch a movie or grab a bite to eat?
I'll admit that I am scared shitless of asking him. It's not so much the actual asking him that I am so scared of. At this point, I've found a person I really like, a person I get along with and have tons of things in common with, a person who I have these great conversations with, and I am afraid that just by asking a single question, if I misjudged his feelings, that could all be taken away. Instead leaving me with awkward confrontations or with me trying to avoid him until one of us moves, instead of these great conversations with a person that I feel could be a great friend.
When you're on the edge of cliff, how do you know when you just jump in head first without looking back...and how do you know when you should stay safely on the edge, with the wind blowing in your hair?
Posted by
2:39 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
An Open Letter to all the SHITTY SHITTY Drivers in the Reno-Tahoe Area...
To all you SHITTY SHITTY Drivers in the Reno-Tahoe Area:
1.) Going 10 miles an hour in a 45 mile an hour zone just so you can look at the fucking sights...Hey Asshole, that's why they have Vista points fucker!
2.) Driving 40 miles an hour in a 65 mph zone when it is a no passing zone and then speeding up to 70 once the little double solid line turns dotted....hey shithead, let me fucking pass you!
3.) You know those little dashed lines in the middle of the road, THEY ARE THERE FOR A FUCKING REASON....STAY IN YOUR FUCKING LANE.
4.) You might want to consider seeing some sort of a doctor once you realize that you just drove up the walkway, and not a driveway. Just a suggestion!
5.) Blinkers are not a optional accessory on your vehicle...USE THEM JACKASS!
6.) Last time I checked, it is illegal to make a right hand turn from the far left lane...
My alternative title for this post was "My Road Rage Reaches it's Boiling Point"...I had to drive all day today for work and needless to say, I am ready for wintertime when the fucking tourists are far far away from this area! I would so much rather drive through a blizzard than behind some jackass going 10 miles an hour just so he can take in the fucking sights!
And, no, this post didn't really have a point except for me to vent.
Posted by
10:24 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007
100 Things About Me
1. I was born at home by a doctor
2. I was more than a month old before I had a name. I was supposed to be a boy...my parents hadn't quite prepared for having another girl.
3. I was named after a t.v. character (and yes, it was a very long 3 hour tour).
4. I've dyed my hair since I was in 7th grade.
5. I have one sister.
6. I love cooking.
7. Most nights I am too lazy to cook and I eat crackers and brie for dinner.
8. Or a bowl of cereal
9. I hate cleaning....I mean despise cleaning! I have no shame in admitting that, if/when I have the money, I will never clean my house again.
10. It's not unusual for me to leave dishes sitting in my sink for 4 or more days. (Benefit of living by myself?). Yet another reason why I need someone to clean my house.
11. I still eat Fruit Gushers...I love them. Even though I am 25 years old.
12. I have a senseless fear of asking people I like out.
13. However I am ridiculously confidant with people I have no interest in.
14. I left a pile of random shit (papers, pictures, a screwdriver, a flashlight, some flashcards, some removable bra straps) in a pile in the corner of my bedroom for more than 8 months after I moved into my condo. Guess I just never got around to picking it up.
15. Kenny Chesney is my all time celebrity crush. I would marry him or become his slave, all he has to do is ask.
16. I don't know how to ride a bike.
17. I've never been to the Grand Canyon.
18. But I've been to Australia
19. And Mexico (3 times)
20. And New Zealand
21. And England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales
22. And France and Spain.
23. I have no desire to go to Burning Man.
24. I am scared of walking over bridges. I get totally freaked out having to walk over the gaps.
25. I lived with my parents until I was 23.
26. I have never had a roommate.
27. Snakes freak me out.
28. So do wolverines (camping in Yellowstone, I was freaked out the whole time).
29. However I have no fear of diving into water that may (does) contain great white sharks.
30. I've helped take blood samples from crocodiles.
31. I once threw a snake at someone (by accident). Hit them in the head...it was just a small water snake.
32. I like older men (ok, not like really old but I prefer men 5-10 years older than me).
33. I would never date someone younger than me.
34. My sister is my best friend.
35. I am addicted to foo-foo coffee drinks.
37. I have made out with 4 people whose names I never (and still do not) know.
38. Through marriage, etc. I am related to Paul Revere (the English are coming, the English are coming).
39. I watch porn (didn't think I would throw anything dirty in here huh?). Not all the time, but on occasion (with or without someone special).
40. Honestly, guy on guy action is kind of hot.
41. I'm not entirely sure I count the first time I kinda slept with someone losing my virginity or not...still deciding, for the time being I count it but it's under review.
42. I've never smoked a cigarette.
43. I have smoked other possibly not so legal herbs.
44. That is the only illegal substance I have ever tried.
45. In a moment of desperation, I tried online dating. All the guys I was interested in, were not interested in me. All the guys interested in me, were losers. Maybe my standards are too high?
46. I love swimming.
47. Not so much in the ocean (ick, the salt, the waves, not to into that).
48. When I start a good book, I will not stop reading it until I am done (I will stay up until 3 am reading, only to pick the book up first thing when I wake up).
49. I will cook something and if I decide it sucks, I don't even hesitate before throwing it away.
50. I hate diet Pepsi. In fact I just hate diet sodas all together.
51. I don't drink juice.
52. I would make out with Catherine Zeta Jones if I could.
53. No matter how poor and in debt I am, I will always have food in my fridge and a bottle of wine in my pantry.
54. And cute shoes on my feet.
55. I love marshmallows.
56. I only like Crystal Geyser bottled water.
57. I take the best naps when I am passed out on a beach or in the shade, on the grass in the park (something about being in public maybe?)
58. I love the Dixie Chicks
59. Even more after they said they were ashamed they were from the same place as Dubya.
60. Vanilla is my favorite scent.
61. Except in lotions, then my favorite scent is Satsuma from the Body Shop.
62. I love my boobs.
63. Guys don't take advantage of that fact often enough (I don't wear the v-necked shirts and the low cut dresses for MY entertainment).
64. I hate classical music.
65. I always smell my glasses and bowls before using them to make sure they don't have that weird eggy smell that dishes sometimes have.
66. Artichokes are my favorite veggies.
67. White nectarines are my favorite fruit.
68. I think about sex more than most guys I know.
69. I like the wintertime more than the summer.
70. I went out on a date with one of my college teachers (to clarify: it was after he was my teacher, and it was my kayak teacher).
71. My middle name is Katherine. After my grandma, except her name is Catherine.
72. I can't sleep if there is a clock in the room that ticks. It drives me crazy!
73. I was born in Tahoe City, CA. I lived there until I was 4.
74. We moved to Reno and I have lived there since then.
75. We moved because I wouldn't talk to my teachers. Seriously, when they tried to put me in whatever grade it is that you are in when you are 4, I wouldn't talk to the teachers. They thought I had some mental retardation. My parents didn't believe then (probably a good call since I graduated high school with a 3.7 GPA).
76. I don't think I could ever live on the East Coast.
78. I've never had a broken bone.
79. Or Chicken Pox.
80. My favorite position (at least that I've tried so far) is the classic...missionary.
81. I kind of want to write a fiction chick lit novel.
82. Although I am pretty sure no one would ever read it.
83. Except for salami, I hate deli meats.
84. I enjoy reading erotica books.
85. Or modern chick lit.
86. My favorite book is Rain of Gold.
87. I have never been arrested.
88. I am running out of things to say about myself. You wouldn't think it would be that hard to come up with 100 things to say about yourself, would you?
89. I prefer sleeping on the right side of the bed.
90. I like snowshoeing.
91. But need to get back in shape before the snow falls because...yeah, I am so out of shape.
92. I love the Big Sur area of California.
93. I haven't had an official boyfriend since high school.
94. I honestly believe that anybody can do anything that they want to do.
95. I honestly DO NOT UNDERSTAND the whole issue of not using a name for your baby because someone that you know just used the name or your cousins second brother twice removed used a version of the name or whatever. It's f-ing kid, name it whatever the hell you want to.
96. I love soda. Or fizzy water...it's the carbonation.
97. I have never voted in an election. I'm not even registered to vote.
98. I own more than 50 pairs of shoes. Probably about 15 of them are some version of flip flops or sandals.
Ahhh, only 2 more...what to say, what to say...
99. I've never been in love.
100. And...I like to have huge cuts or bruises because it makes me feel cool. It makes me feel like I have an interesting life (like I am doing extreme things that can cause me harm). I remember one time I got a huge bruise on my leg from kayaking and I milked it forever...I wore clothes that revealed it just in hopes of people asking my how I got it.
Posted by
11:30 PM
My dog is so cute... (part duex)
This evening I went to the grocery store. Because I am single, and have no children, I buy toys for my dog. Also she is a little bit spoiled.

Posted by
10:54 PM
First, to take care of some business...I've been tagged
I was tagged by Shannon to share 7 of my weird habits or quirks...here you go (you may notice some resemblance to my #1-2 because I share those oddities with Shannon...it's probably why we've stayed friends for so long).
1. I also sniff EVERY dish or piece of silverware before I use them. I CANNOT stand that gross, weird eggyish smell that dishes sometimes have. It totally makes me gag. I have re-washed an entire load of dishes before because every cup had this smell when it came out.
2. I also play with my toe nails or finger nails after I clip them. It's a totally bizarre fascination but I like to see how much I cut off and hard they are.
3. I eat Chicken Cup-O-Noodles dry as a snack sometimes. TECHNICALLY they are already cooked noodles and make a good salty dried snack.
4. I get totally freaked out walking over bridges that have gaps in them (i.e. old wooden bridges). I have no problem driving over them but walking over them I ABSOLUTELY have to step completely on the wooden parts because I freaked out my feet will fall through the bridge and I somehow will fall to my water death (even if the bridge is like 2 feet off the water).
5. I hate packing my lunch! Which is why I never do...I always eat out for lunch or come home at lunch time.
6. I can't sleep in a room that has a clock that makes that 'tick, tick, tick' noise...it drives me absolutely bonkers. Which also explains why when it rains I sleep on the couch because the rain gutter is right near my head on the outside of the building and all I will hear is the 'drip drip drip' noise.
7. I clean my ears out with q-tips every time I get out of the shower. I know it's not good to do it every day but I can't help it, my ears feel weird if I don't.
No bonus #8's from me because I am completely drawing a blank on my weird little behaviours (although I am sure there are a zillion of them that I am not thinking of!).
Posted by
10:26 PM
My lack of blogging...
...Is due to the fact that I have been out of town camping for a few days (or preparing to go camping....or ACTUALLY putting away my camping gear, which in itself is a feat of it's own considering my camping gear for the most part was still in the trunk of my car from my camping trip in JUNE!).
Sorry 'bout that!
Posted by
10:24 PM