Tasty Temptations

Cooking has always been the one thing where, when I am doing it, nothing else in the world seems to matter. I can cook for minutes or I can cook for hours, but no matter how long I can cook for, I always find myself feeling more like 'me' when I am done. Plus there is no better excuse to drink by yourself than while you are cooking a great meal (All those drunken chefs out there can thank Julia for making this acceptable).

Me and a few of my friends have decided to create a place to share our love of cooking....check us out here.

Can't find something?


Monday, March 26, 2007

Strangers folding underwear...Please spare the rest of us!

To start out, the kind of GUY (not cute, kind of weird, looks like he should be living with his mother) folds his underwear (whity tighties, mind you) is beyond my mental capacity, but by all means if you want to fold your underwear, fold your underwear. However, please spare the single young women who have to share a common laundry room with you the complete and utter embarrassment of trying not to make eye contact with you while you are folding your whity tighties but while also trying to get around you to use the 1 available dryer that you insist on standing directly in front of and ABSOLUTELY REFUSING TO MOVE FROM YOUR UNDERWEAR FOLDING POST. Seriously, wouldn't it be more fun to fold your under garments in the comfort of your own living room while watching, say Star Trek?

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