So today I had a miserable day at work and all I could think to myself while chaos was swirling around me was the line from one of the very first episodes of Grey's Anatomy where Christina walks into the locker room and says "I need a drink. I need a massage. I need a man...or I need I drunken massage from a man."
That sums up my feelings right now.
Tasty Temptations
Me and a few of my friends have decided to create a place to share our love of cooking....check us out here.
Can't find something?
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
My fav line from Grey's Anatomy
Posted by
7:58 PM
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Was his head cold?
This is all I have for today...
I was driving back from Truckee today and, well call it a habit or a hobby but I always check out the people driving other cars. Today I was pulling up next to a car. It was definitely a guy car, a black toyota tacoma with all these 'guy' type bumper stickers and racks. Anyways, I pull up next to the truck and look over to find a pretty good looking guy wearing a beanie, sun glasses and no shirt! I have seen guys driving topless before, normally in the summer mind you. But he was driving topless and had a beanie on! Does that make sense to anyone? For those of you not in the Reno area, it was about 35 F out and snowing yet he had no shirt on. Does driving topless feel good? I guess girls can't really experience that pleasure if that is the case, we would probably be arrested. Is it the silky feeling of the seatbelt rubbing against his chest that felt good or the sun through the window? But the beanie, why did he feel he needed to keep his head covered but not his chest?
Posted by
7:10 PM
Monday, March 26, 2007
Strangers folding underwear...Please spare the rest of us!
To start out, the kind of GUY (not cute, kind of weird, looks like he should be living with his mother) folds his underwear (whity tighties, mind you) is beyond my mental capacity, but by all means if you want to fold your underwear, fold your underwear. However, please spare the single young women who have to share a common laundry room with you the complete and utter embarrassment of trying not to make eye contact with you while you are folding your whity tighties but while also trying to get around you to use the 1 available dryer that you insist on standing directly in front of and ABSOLUTELY REFUSING TO MOVE FROM YOUR UNDERWEAR FOLDING POST. Seriously, wouldn't it be more fun to fold your under garments in the comfort of your own living room while watching, say Star Trek?
Posted by
11:09 PM
Firing Someone.
So I think I can officially say that I am an adult now. I fired someone at work this morning. I've wanted to fire this person for a while but was afraid to. Partly because firing someone that you manage makes you face the possibility that maybe you are the problem. That maybe you didn't train them or you didn't provide them with what they need to do their job. I went through this and decided that while there were definitely things I probably could have done better as a manager, there are some people that are just not going to do the job they should be doing, in the most efficient and beneficial way possible for the company. This employee was much older than me and has pretty much questioned my authority since the start (ok, I was just watching Southpark so all that is running through my head right now is Cartman say "Don't question my Au-thor-a-TAY"... but I digress). When we hired her, we started her at a lot more money than we were planning on paying someone because she sounded like she might be worth it. However, we should have known better when my boss and I ran in to her former boss at a work event a few months ago. When he asked us how she was working out (she wasn't) we said "things are working" he responded with a surprising look on his face and said "Really, well that's good. Unexpected but good." Ok, so that right there should have been enough to send her in front of the firing squad but my boss is too nice and I don't have that much experience being a manager so I was hesitant to take such a dramatic step. I wanted to eliminate the chance that it might be my managerial skills before I resorted to that. I am so over the fact that this is in any way my fault...after all I still have my job. Ok that was so mean but true.
Anyways, the official decision to fire her was made on Friday, after she had been sick all week. My boss and another manager made the decision that it would be a 'good character building exercise, as well as good experience" for me to do the firing. I have to admit I was excited about firing her. Not excited in the whole "jumping up and down clapping my hands like I am a kid who just got a pony for her birthday" excited but excited in the whole "she has questioned my authority for the last 7 months and now I finally get to show her that I really did/do have say over her making it or not in that position and at this company" kind of way. It's a weird feeling but I know that the decision was the right one. You want to know how I knew it was the right one...all weekend I have been reading books and reading articles online about how to fire someone. About what not to say when firing someone, about what TO say to someone when firing them, about making sure you have documentation on top of documentation before you fire someone, even what color to wear when your firing someone (you should wear green in case you are wondering, don't ask me why but some Internet color psychologist says so...). I read and re-read articles. So many of them were people (CEO's, business owners, etc.) telling stories of their first time having to fire someone. A common theme in all of them was that none of then could sleep the night before they knew they had to fire someone in the morning. I slept like a baby! I kid you not I didn't wake up once from the time my head hit he pillow to when my alarm went off. This is how I knew it was the right decision. Keep in mind, just because I knew it was the right decision, didn't make it any easier.
How was I, some 24 year girl supposed to fire a 56 year old woman? I tell you how...I wore my black slacks, my green shirt and my sexy new black pumps (for confidence) and I wrote out a script of what to say to her (kept it short like the articles say, and yes, they actually say to write out a really does help, if you ever are in the position of having to fire someone) and I was totally fine and confidant until I was about 2 miles from work. Then I started getting all nervous and breathing short and fast and my hands were shaking...oh my god, I don't think I have been that nervous...ever, not even when I am talking to the sexy dog park guy. So I got to work at about 8:30 (this was planned because of some other staff scheduling). When I got there she was helping a client and after she was done I asked her finish up what she was doing and then I wanted to meet with her. I brought her into my office and recited my script that I had read over probably 100 times (the script makes sure that you saying everything that you should and don't say anything that you shouldn't). My voice was actually shaking when I was telling her this. It was very short and to the point. She didn't say anything except 'Ok' and she got her things, gave me her keys and left the office. Now I have to tell you, this person is a bit of a drama queen and very blunt so I was expecting 1 of 2 options (1-she would be very quiet, just like what happened and 2-she would become a raging b***t and call me every cuss word in the book, as well as possibly trying to knock me unconscious). I have to admit I was almost more prepared for the second option of being knocked unconscious that for the first option. It was a little un-nerving for her to be so quiet. But it is over (in less that 10 minutes she had been let go and had left the building). I also have to admit that I was in a better mood for the rest of the day than I have probably been in at work since she started. I never thought she was the right choice but was kind of out-voted when she was hired but I truely feel that it was valuable experience. Not one I hope or want to repeat very often, but confidant that I know I can do it if the situation calls for it. While it sucks that this morning I cut someone off from their source of income (but it was truely justified, keep in mind), it is a power trip and a confidance booster that your boss trusts you enough to put you in a position that really holds quite a bit of responsiblity and power.
One of the strangest things to me is that the incidents of an ex-employee suing for wrongful termination actually increases if positive things are said to that person during the firing process. Isn't that ridiculous? It is really hard to not say anything nice, because really this person did have some great qualities, her bad ones just outweighed her good ones and it was hard to not say something nice. It's hard to leave it as being a completely negative experience but you have to otherwise you put yourself and your company at risk. I find it completely ridiculous that even in a state that is a 'right to work' state, and even at a job where when you start you sign an agreement that says you are entering into an 'at-will' position (meaning that both the employee and employer have the right to terminate the employment at the will of either party with or without reason), that you still have to worry about whether or not an incompetent employee will sue you for wrongful termination. Now I am all for anti-discrimination laws, but but if someone isn't doing their job, or isn't doing it well, why shouldn't a private business have the right to end their employment (as agreed upon when the employee was hired) with or without a specific reason in an attempt to improve overall employee satisfaction, profit or over all company well-being? In my opinion employers should have more a right to sue an employee who doesn't give a decent amount of notice than an incompetent employee does to sue a company if they were fired because..get this...THEY WEREN'T DOING THEIR JOB!
Posted by
10:08 PM
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Socially retarded...
This weekend I went shopping with Shannon and Steph (a blast by the way, since I am pretty sure that you 2 are the only ones that read my blog). Shannon started asking me about a guy that I am currently totally crushing on. In the midst of it she asked me if he flirts when we run into each other and when I said I wasn't sure (probably not the correct wording anyhow for what I was trying to say), she asked me if I even knew what flirting was. I responded with 'I'm not completely retarded and yes, I know what flirting is." This comment made me wonder how little my friends and family know about my love life and makes me wonder what they actually think of me. Do they really think I am that I am socially retarded? I explained in my blog before that I have never been in a serious relationship but I should probably explain that that doesn't mean I haven't had my fair share of flirting opportunities or dates (not enough in my opinion but enough to remove me from the social retard category of people)'s just that none of them have ever turned into relationships. Part of the reason is that a lot of the guys I have been with I have been completely ok with having them be one night stands or fuck buddies or whatever you want to call them, some of the others have just been friends of friends (BTW, I DO NOT have the same taste in men as any of my friends so when they hook me up with someone, it ends up being, as I stated before, a one night stand, and others I have to admit are my dirty little secrets that I have purposely chosen to keep them that way!). I have never been all that open or outgoing about my love life, partially because a lack of self confidence makes me question what other people are thinking when I am telling them about guys I am interested in and partially because I like to keep parts of my life semi-private and my love/sex life is one of them. I'm a big fan of the 'what happens in the bedroom (or car, or beach, or at a hostel in a foreign country) stays in the bedroom (or etc. etc. etc.) theory." I threw that last etc. in there so all of you can wonder your day away about what I meant about things happening in a hostel in a foreign country (one of my dirty little secrets that I will treasure all to myself for the time being)... But for my friends and family that are reading this...I am not a complete social retard. I am a little shy, but mostly I am picky. I would rather enjoy my individuality and doing things by myself or with my friends than spending my time with some loser guy. Just because I don't talk about it doesn't mean I am not looking (or haven't been looking in the past).
Posted by
12:37 PM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
Stuffed animal massacre...
My living room looks like a stuffed animal massacre! My dog never used to be into chewing up toys but lately...well my previous sentence should explain it all. I suppose I actually have to vacuum this weekend, or I could just step around the stuffed animal guts laying all over my living room (the more likely of the 2 options). Just a quick glimpse into the life that is mine...
Posted by
8:23 AM
Laying in Bed
Have you ever laid in bed in the morning and wondered "If I didn't show up to work, what would they do?" Just a quick peek into my head because, yup, you guessed it...I just want to lay in bed all day and sleep today because I am so tired, but no I have to go to work.
Posted by
8:19 AM
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Addendum to "Would you expect a raise?
So Shannon brought up a valid point. I am not an ass kisser. I am actually just a dedicated employee that actually does what needs to get done. She is right, I have never been an ass kisser and really never will be. People can kiss mine, that is fine, I am completely ok with that.
Posted by
9:39 PM
Monday, March 19, 2007
Is it possible to own too many shoes? I know why my shoe addiction exists (even it I gain or lose weight, my feet will still be the same size so I can look sexy in my brand new pairs of high heels whether I lose those 35 pounds I would like to or not) but should I make an effort to try to control it?
This weekend I visited a friend in Vacaville who lives, oh 3 minutes from the outlet stores. I bought 2 pairs of high heels; one really sexy maroon colored leather pair with little metal things all over and 1 black pair of suede-ish ones with a bow on the front that are open toed). Do I need these? Absolutely not. Can I really walk in them? Nope but they look damn good when I stand still. Can I wear them for more than 2 hours without my feet feeling like I would rather saw them off then take one more step in them? Absolutely not. Will I wear them on a regular basis? Probably not, I will probably wear them 2 times a year. But are they sexy? ABSO-FUCKING-LUTLY. (Ignore the fact that I already own like 10 pairs of different black high heels).
Posted by
10:57 PM
On a lighter note...
This one is for Shannon. My mom owns a chocolate fountain and I am sure she would be willing to loan it to you during your pregnancy since I think she is living her vicarious dreams of grandparenthood through you since I have yet to produce any offspring. Also, I own an indoor smore maker. Yup, an indoor smore maker. We can have a little board game and smore party any time you want.
Posted by
10:53 PM
Would you expect a raise?
One of the most important parts of being a manager is reviewing your employee's performance. One of the most mentally challenging things of being a manager is reviewing your employee's performance. My work has a 'self review' procdure in place so the employee fills out a pretty in depth review form about their position and how they feel they are performing and what they hope to and want to do in the future. The supervisor then reviews it prior to the actually review meeting and compares the differences. Differences are discussed and hopefully an agreement is made between both parties on what action is needed, etc. I had to fill out this form a few months back for my annual review and actually found it one of the most rewarding aspects of my job review. It made me think about what is asked of me, what I enjoy doing, what I don't enjoy doing, what I hope to do in the future and most importantly, if I am getting what I need to to the job I am asked. I spent probably 3 hours preparing my review. Mind you, I probably am a bit of a workaholic and just a bit of an ass kisser when it comes to things like this, but I also take my job seriously and know that I am working my ass off in hopes of being in a position one day that allows me to earn good money, have fun and not work my ass off all the time. I also know that they only way I will get there (short of winning the lottery and not having to work) is by taking things like this seriously. It not only shows my boss that I take her seriously as an employer and a business owner, but also that I take her seriously in the sense that she always has said that she wants people to be doing what they want to be doing in the company and she will do everything in her power to try and make that happen. I know if I am miserable in my job, I know I haven't made my desires clear to her.
Now the shoe is on the other foot. I have to review one of my employee's later this week. Like I said before I take reviews pretty seriously. If you don't they are just a waste of everybody's time. First of all, the employee didn't give me her review form on time (I asked for it by COB on Thursday so I could review it over the weekend, instead say of having to review it at 10 pm at night because I don't have time during the day...and just got it today). On top of that, she didn't even bother to complete the last section (what are your future personal and career objectives). What are you if you don't have some kind of goals? Even if she has put my goal is to not put up with my shit anymore, I would have been happier than I am now that she didn't even bother to answer it. There is a section where you have to rate yourself on 18 different areas. On average, she rated herself as a 7 (on a scale of 1-10, this is on the very edge of satisfactory and good). However she rated herself above average on a quality that she has failed to show any improvement on (just my opinion sneaking in there). Anyways, would you expect to get a raise if you rated yourself satisfatory to good, considering raises at my company are not promised based on time employeed, they are 100% merit based? If you don't earn it, why do you think that you deserve it?
Posted by
10:30 PM
Sunday, March 18, 2007
I just finished reading one of my friends blog's about the same thing. It's a hard subject to broach because it makes people take a look at their lives and whether of not they are actually living the life they COULD be living. Everyone has the life they want to live, the life they are living and they life they dream of living but everyone also has the life that they COULD be living if they stopped setting. "Stop setting for anything less than everything" is the catch line to one of my favorite songs that just came out.
For a long time, and even still today, I look at some of my friends and think to myself "what are you doing? Why are you letting that guy treat you like or why are you taking that shit at work or blah blah blah?" But they all boil down to "why are you settling?" What I've realized recently though is that while I was busy looking at some of my friends and asking them that question I didn't stop to ask myself that question. For a long time I didn't settle; I didn't settle for bad grades, I didn't settle for shitty friends, I didn't settle for loser guys, I was making the most out of the hand of cards I had been dealt and I though that I was in the place to judge my friends and the decisions they were making about their lives. But recently I realized that I have been settling, and it had a huge impact on my life that I largely ignored for the last 2 years.
When I moved out on my own and bought a condo, I took on a lot. In the matter of a few months I went from a full time college student living with my parents who went on a trip to celebrate her graduation. When I returned I got a full time job in an industry I had never worked doing a job I had never done, a mortgage payment and began living on my own, all the while trying to pay off a lot of debt from college with a limited salary. It sounds like a great change and in many ways it was an amazing way to start my life after college but when I look back at the last almost 2 years of my life, I didn't adjust all that well. I stopped dealing with a lot of things and started settling for the daily activities that consumed my life, like grocery shopping, working long hours, putting up with shitty employees and not putting the effort into the relationships in my life that deserved the effort. Because of this, I gained weight and lost all the motivation I once had for living life. It's a sad place to be in when you feel like it's too much effort to hang out with your friends, or go for a walk in the park (especially when there are cute guys out walking their dogs to flirt with), or even cook yourself a good meal. I will say that I didn't have some big epiphany like I hoped I would where I just woke up one day and was like "What happened to my life" but gradually over the last few months I have realized how unhappy I have been because I just settled, instead of striving for the things I really wanted, the things I know will make me happy. I just gradually realized that I couldn't live the life I had been for any longer, otherwise I would end up sad and alone. Who wants that?!? Recently I am amazed at how my attitude about things has changed even though nothing in my life has really change because I am just taking things one step at a time. I love cooking, and I forgot that for a long time, so now I make sure that I cook myself dinner or cook something fun a few nights a week, even if it means I don't eat dinner until 9 at night and I take advantage of taking my dog for walks in the park, for the exercise and the flirting. I'm still working on the whole cleaning my house on a regular basis thing but I know it will be soon to follow.
The other day I was channel hoping and came across some paid advertisement for some detox juice or something and the guy in it was like "get up right now and go look in the mirror, this is the youngest you are ever going to look for the rest of your life...why settle for that..." then he went on to try and sell the product and I changed the channel. But he had a valid point. Today really is the first day of the rest of my life (god, I can't believe I actually am going to publish myself saying that!) and there is no excuse for me to settle for anything less that everything that I want out of life. It's hard to not settle and it takes a lot of effort to get the things you want out of life but the payoff is so much greater than just settling for the easy road. I'm am going to try to be the kind of girl who doesn't settle for anything less that everything.
Posted by
9:21 PM
Thursday, March 15, 2007
One day I called one of my girlfriend's. Now this girlfriend has been in a relationship with the same guy for years (9 years if I am counting correctly). At the time I think it had been like 7 years, but anyways her significant other was out of town (or out with his friends, I can't remember) and I asked her what she was doing. Now for those of you who know this person knows that she not the most subtly person in the world. "I'm looking at pictures of Jennifer Aniston's tit's" is what followed by inquiry. And for those of you going back to the beginning of this post to make sure I am talking about a girlfriend of mine, I am.
Me: "Ok...umm, why?"
Her: "I was listening to Rob, Arnie & Dawn and they said they had pictures posted on their webpage."
Me: "And you are looking at them why?"
Her: "They said she had nice tits"
Me: "Ahhh, that makes PERFECT sense" (Can you sense my sarcasm?)
So the conversation continues onto other random things for a while and then she asks me how she can print of stuff from the Internet (she is not the most computer savvy person).
Me: I will spare the details of me telling her how she can print something off but is was followed with "What are you printing off?"
Her: "Pictures of J.A.'s tits"
Me: "Why?"
Her: "So I can show (insert bf's name here)...he'll like them."
Me: "So you plan on sharing that you look at other women's tit's online while he is out with him?"
Her: "Of course! I mean it's not one of those SSGB's that I would hide from him."
Me: "What is an SSGB?"
Her: "A secret single girl behaviour, something you do that you would never admit to anyone else that you do when you are alone."
Me: "Well that doesn't really count as SSGB then does it, I mean you're printing the pictures off..."
Her: "You're probably right, but there nice pictures, he's gonna like 'em"
Now mind you, this is the girl who likes sour stuff so much that one day her significant other caught her drinking lemon juice from one of those little yellow lemon shaped lemon juice bottles while hiding behind the fridge door and responded to him when he asked what she was doing with "I was hoping you would never catch me doing that." I'm sure if she ever reads my blog she will just LOVE the fact that I am sharing her SSGB's with the Internet world instead of my own but hers really are more interesting than mine.
So...was that long enough? I was going to make a point in here about those secret behaviour's that we all have but don't let anyone in on but I seemed to have lost my way somewhere along the way...If I remember my point I will let you know.
Posted by
11:26 PM
Monday, March 12, 2007
When you're afraid he'll say yes as much as you're afraid he'll say no...
Have you ever met a guy that you like so much you're afraid he'll say no, but at a point in your life that you are really afraid he'll say yes?
The guy is sexy, cute, loves his dog as much as I love my dog, has a good job, spends his time doing a lot of the sames things as me, has a kind heart and comes from a great family. While I've never really been able to describe my 'type' of guy, he is it. So that explains why I am afraid that he would say no if I asked him out.
On the other hand, it seems crazy that if I like him so much that I would be scared he would say yes. I haven't been on a date, a real life 'flowers when he picks you up and a kiss at the door when he drops you off' kind of date for longer than I can remember. It's amazing how life, school and work can distract you so much that before you know it you haven't been on a date in...well I'm not REALLY going to admit how long it's been but trust me it's been a while. On top of that, I've never had a real relationship. I've never really been a bonified girlfriend. Now trust me I have enjoyed my time being single, I've dated guys, I've slept with guys, I've flirted with guys, I just have never been in a real relationship. So I have to admit I am a little scared that he would say yes because while I have friends so I know I am not some freak of nature that can't carry on a conversation, I do wonder if what I want to talk about would interest him. How ironic it is that I have conversations with the guy all the time but yet I am scared that I wouldn't be able to make it through a date with stuff to talk about. And if you do get past those first few dates, then what? Am I going to have to reveal some of my SSGB's (secret single girl behaviours) to another person (besides my dog of course)? How scary is that!?!? Well I am sure he would enjoy some of my SSGB's but other's would probably just send him running in the other direction.
...I'm going out of town this weekend so I suppose I don't have to worry about it (yeah, that's going to happen).
Posted by
8:13 PM
Saturday, March 10, 2007
Vacations versus Real Life
Recently I have been having money woes (I know, everyone has them). I feel like I am in an odd situation because I make pretty good money, especially for being a single person with no kids, etc. but am always broke. Always broke in the sense that I have no money left over at the end of every month. I know why so it's not like I have to sit down and figure out where my money goes...I have a house payment, a HOA payment, a car payment, all those other house bills, cell phone bills and credit card payments. It's very stressful to be in a situation where you make money but you spend it all as well, and really feel like you have nothing to show for it. I kind of jumped into buying my condo without fully thinking it through. Living in an apartment the same size, if I were renting, I would be spending half the money a month that I do right now. I would also owe taxes at the end of the year and my credit wouldn't look at good. There's always pro's and con's to every situation. I was talking to my mom the other day at lunch and I've been discussing my vacation this year. Anyone who knows me knows that I take my vacations VERY seriously. I'm not a big fan of taking time off work and doing things like staying home and remodeling my condo (which is why after 1.5 years it still looks like I just moved in). I like to travel the world. I have been to Mexico a few times, Europe a few times, Australia, New Zealand and to a few places in the states. My mom asked me, if money wasn't an issue, where would I go. I used to hate questions like that because I would always think to myself "It doesn't matter because money is an issue." But recently I realized that dreams are dreams and the more you visualize them, the more likely you will do everything in your power to make them happen. It's still hard because I know that in July when I am taking my vacation I won't be able to afford what I really want to do (go to Belize and go sea kayaking) but I will be able to do something fun, like whitewater rafting with my sister. But I know that sooner rather that later, I will be able to travel to all those places on my list of destinations I've always wanted to go because I have taken actions, while hard to live with something now, will pay off in the end and give me the life I really want.
Posted by
5:35 PM
On being sick...
For those of you who were lucky enough to talk to me before my voice decided to go on vacation without me, I thought I would let you all know that I hate being sick! I have been sick for longer than I can remember (ok, like 1 1/2 weeks) and now it has gotten to the point where I actually have lost my voice so now I sounds like a muffled teenage boy going through puberty whose voice cracks every other word and the words in between that come out barely above a whisper even though I feel like I am yelling! I know this is not the most interesting thing to chat about, but I am sick of being sick and wanted to vent for a second. Ok, I am done now.
Posted by
1:21 PM
Thursday, March 8, 2007
I'de rather be having...
So I am sure that everyone has seen one of those bumper stickers that says "I'd rather be..." (, skiing, etc.). Today I saw the ultimate one. I was driving around for work and this hot black Ford Fsomething or another that is really big with this gook looking guy pulled up next to me. Now he wasn't like Amercrombie & Fitch material, but he was that dirty bad boy kind of sexy. As he continued to pull ahead of me in the next lane (because I was behind this ridiculously slow driver...another story but at least it allowed me to see what comes next) he had this bumper sticker that said "I'd rather be having good sex". I LOVE IT!!! Not just "I'd rather be having sex" but it specified GOOD SEX! Now I just felt like sharing this because I wish I had the balls to put bumper sticker like that on my car because truthfully, I am definitely the kind of girl who would rather being having good sex.
Posted by
7:44 PM
Wednesday, March 7, 2007
Trust me, I realize that I choose an odd title for my very first official blog but I really do enjoy grocery shopping. First of all, one of the things that I have come to learn about myself since I moved out on my own is that I am not (and most likely will never be) one of those girls that writes grocery lists and that plans out my meals for the next 2 weeks. However I am the kind of girl that will by food for 1 or 2 meals and a few snacks and the necessities at a time. Because this is how I work, it means that I visit grocery stores 3 or 4 times a week. Mind you most of those visits are in the $10-30 range and take me anywhere from 10-30 minutes. I have come to think of it as my after work de-stressing time. Yes, in general I enjoy grocery shopping because my mind wanders all over the store with the ideas of wonderful meals I can make and yummy desserts I can bake. Sometimes I stand in an isle staring and thinking about all the things I could make for what seems like forever (it's probably like 30 secs but it feels like forever).
And as if that isn't enough I have come to learn that grocery stores are OVERFLOWING with good looking single men, especially in the hours when people are getting off of work. Certain grocery stores however tend to have good looking men attached at the hip to good looking women. Trader Joe's in one of those store. You would think that a hip store like Trader Joe's would be teaming with single, funky outdoorsy, environmentally friendly good looking men. It's not because they all seem to be attached to some funky outdoorsy, environmentally friendly gook looking woman. So needless to say I shop at Trader Joe's because they have good food at a decent price, not for their meat market. My recent discovery is the Smith's on South Meadows Parkway. Now I used to always shop at Scolari's which I've realized is like retiree central but I went to Smith's the other night. Now I've been to Smiths before but never right after I get off work. Hello Sexy Guy Central! That night I coyly flirted with Mr. Cargo Pants with the White Truck (sorry I never caught his name). It was innocent flirting, but that great kind of innocent flirting that makes you feel like your a powerful woman who could attract any man, that is if she wanted. Tonight I met Mr. Funny Hat guy. So ok, his hat was ridiculous but his eyes made up for it. He said hi as we were both walking into the store (so cute and nervous, I love men that don't know how cute they are). We continued our flirting as I picked up a bottle of wine, some milk and some veggies and he picked up a steak, some milk (I know what your thinking, it was fate...we both needed milk) and a 6 pack. For all my friends who are saying that they need more details, no phone numbers were exchanged, maybe next time I go. I was just in need of a good boost after my day at work today and there is nothing like the feeling you get flirting with a sexy guy (even if he is wearing a funny hat).
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9:13 PM